On 5/29/05, Bhanu Ravichettu <r.bhanu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie.Recently came to take over an apache server.It was working
> fine all these days.I was trying to include a few files for uploding content
> into the serrver.And then suddenly, when i give the doman name in the
> browser, it gives me
> The following error was encountered:
> Connection Failed
> The system returned:
> (113) No route to hostThe remote host or network may be down. Please try
> the request again.
> The server was working fine till a few minutes b4 this error appeared.I
> tried restarting the httpd service, but that did not help much.37GB is used
> on the hdd of 40 GB.Wat could be any other reason? Can Someone please help??
> I can ssh into the server from any other pc.But i cannot access it thru the
> domain name or ip address on the browser.
> Any help plz..??
> Thnx,
> Bhanu.
How many times have you tried it? I get this error in Windows
sometimes, and it often disappears after a few more times. If not,
reboot the machine! It sounds like this is a machine or browser
problem, not an httpd problem!
Hope this helps....
PHP rocks!
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