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From: vicky chb <vkychb04@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 8:38 PM
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Session persist in apache
Is there anyway we can store session data at apache level, also is it going to store the user credentials at apache level?
On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 9:38 AM vicky chb <vkychb04@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Login is happening at the backend Application which is configured with Keycloak. The architecture looks like below
> Backend App <-> Apache <---openidconnect---> keycloak
> So, whenever User visits the website, the request goes to Apache web server which serves the Backend Application Login page.
I don't think adding session management in Apache, where no session
data is stored, will change any behavior here.
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