So from what I understand, Apache status will display more than minimum server limit but will add more once spare threads is hitting the threshold.
I currently have 18 childs with 64 threads per child but I should expect to see more child processes spawned if there are less than 800 idle workers. Idle workers are spare threads identified as "
_ " Waiting for Connection.
Does this sound right?
Norbert E.
From: Eric Covener <covener@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:27 AM To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Apache max workers in /server-status not same as MaxWorkers in mpm_event_module On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 9:53 AM Norbert Elbanbuena <norbert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think this is showing you that there are currently 16 64-thread processes. The numbers might not be perfectly round because the server is not frozen while mod_status iterates over everything.
Apache will spin up a
17th process when there are less than 800 idle threads.