-- The Wellcome Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE.Is your test over a local network or over the internet. If the latter there is little you can do.
HTTP upload was never really designed for large files like this. That’s why more languages/frameworks put a limit on the size of uploads. And these are usually in the 5-10M size.
There are much better ways of transferring large files in web-browsers nowadays using clever _javascript_ which slices the file and a script which stitches the parts back together at your end – transfers are smaller and avoids time outs. Can also parallelize them if required.
From: eric tse <hfetse@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 29 October 2020 18:15
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Bad Gateway with large file upload [EXT]
Hi community,
Thank you for your valuable hint again.
Can we tune something from chrome?
that can make chrome 147MB test works?
Or we need to tune our network infrastructure?
For now, I haven't been able to google anything yet.
Thanks and regards,
On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 11:10 AM eric tse <hfetse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good morning,
Thanks for your excellent tip last night.
We have some significant turn around from an investigation perspective.
We’ve done some additional testing this morning and had a surprising result. Does this provide any hints to the cause?
Firefox 60 MB: bad gateway
Firefox 147 MB: bad gateway
Chrome 60 MB: success!
Chrome 147 MB: bad gateway
IE 11 60 MB: bad gateway
IE 11 147 MB: bad gateway
My client said that we’re bound to using IE 11 for this project, although Chrome was identified as a acceptable alternative.
For now we can ignore his comment for troubleshooting.
Is it a bug, or limitation, or work as designed?
Or something we can tune (like browser or network infrastructure?) ?
Is it caused by timing?
Please advise.
On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 4:00 AM @lbutlr <kremels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 28 Oct 2020, at 18:05, eric tse <hfetse@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> We’re are getting a Bad Gateway error returned when trying to upload large files through an IE browser to our webserver.
Have you tried with a currently supported browser?
IE is on death watch.
If I were you boys, I wouldn't talk or even think about women.
'T'ain't good for your health.
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