With that amount of information there isn't much I can say about your loop issues. El sáb., 18 ago. 2018 a las 18:49, Rose, John B (<jbrose@xxxxxxx>) escribió: > > For each Wordpress site ... > > > Wordpress Address (URL) > > Site Address (URL) > > > contain "https" addresses > > > within Apache each of the sites has a virtual host config, which are basically identical except for the naming differences for the sites. > > > The 2.4 Apache config was built basically identical to 2.2 except for using php-fpm instead of mod_php, and "event" MPM instead of "prefork", Require instead of Allow/Deny, etc. > > > No redirecting within Apache except for the sites that my have done it themselves within htaccess. > > ________________________________ > From: Daniel <dferradal@xxxxxxxxx> > Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2018 11:51:30 AM > To: <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Subject: Re: problem when move https site to 2.4 from 2.2 Apache > > depends entirely in the config and context,making assumptions and speculate based on generalizations will take you nowhere. > > So you should start sharing the relevant bits of config and the queries and responses, including headers etc. > > El vie., 17 ago. 2018 17:28, Rose, John B <jbrose@xxxxxxx> escribió: > > Encountered problems moving web sites from Apache 2.2 to 2.4 for https > > When moving web sites from an Apache 2.2 environment to to 2.4 the ones that are .html and self written .php seem to work fine via both http and https > > When moving Wordpress sites to 2.4, they work fine via http, but go into endless redirects when accessed via https > > Has anyone encountered this problem? > > Have done some googling, switched back and forth between php-fpm and mod_php, removed .htaccess redirects, turned off plugins, etc. Nothing seems to remedy it so far. > > Thanks > > -- Daniel Ferradal IT Specialist email dferradal at gmail.com linkedin es.linkedin.com/in/danielferradal --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx