I don't have an answer for you, a couple thoughts though, are you using an SSL cache that may be caching the info? I think there is a cache directive in mod ssl. Or is there software on the client for handling the smart card that could be set or configured to renegotiate?
From: mcgredo@xxxxxxx To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015 23:21:57 +0000 Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Client Auth Retries This behavior is puzzling.
*Once the browser goes to the “mistake” page, it won’t renegotiate
the SSL connection with the smart card despite
- No open https connections to the server
- The behavior persists across a server restart
- The behavior persists across a “clear cache” on the client browser (Chrome)
The only way to force it to use the smart card auth appears to be quitting and restarting
the browser.