This looks like good stuff! I’m away from proper computers for a few days. Then I’ll give this the attention it deserves.
On Sat, Sep 1, 2018 at 12:41 PM Christoph Biedl <sourceforge.bnwi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ed Cashin wrote...
> In the past it has been difficult to say anything specific about startup
> that applies to a majority of popular Linux distributions.
> I think we're still in that situation, but perhaps systemd could change it.
> I know there are a few distros that do not use systemd, though.
> I don't think you could go wrong in trying to create something helpful.
It's been a while, but eventually I created a few things:
Please pull from <>,
or download from <>
In the `contrib/persistence/` subdirectory you'll find several files:
* vblade-persistence.txt
Documentation in the asciidoc format (I'm too lazy to write *roff).
* vblade.service
* vblade@.service
* vblade-generator
Service files and generator for systemd.
* vblade.init.lsb-daemon
* vblade.init.daemon
Two different flavours of a SysV init script, see
Both are based on daemon(1). I've prepared something that uses
Debian's start-stop-daemon(8) - but this requires pid file support
in vblade and I'm not convinced adding this is worth the efforts.
* vblade.init.generate
Template and generator for these init scripts.
That's some stuff to read, so just the key points:
Configuration is in `/etc/vblade.conf.d/`, each export (or "instance")
is a file there, name ending in `.conf`.
Using lowercase variable names in the configuration is my personal
preference, YMMV.
By intention I did not implement a mechanism to override settings from
a global configuration file. There are some pitfalls in the handling of
vblade options and I doubt it's worth to deal with them.
The init scripts have been tested to some extent. The systemd variant
has been in production for a few days now and seems to be stable.
Still, the systemd generator could use a review, I haven't understood
all the gory details yet. Controlling the I/O scheduling is an
important feature for me but gave me quite a a headache.
So before anyone asks,
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/vblade $shelf $slot $netif $filename $options
does *not* what it suggests. Seems definitions from EnvironmentFile
do not apply for the IO* directives.
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