CO responds to DOT findings on Flight 2816

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CO responds to =0ADOT findings on Flight 2816=0ALarry =0Atoday issued the f=
ollowing statement regarding Continental Express Flight 2816 =0A(operated b=
y ExpressJet Airlines), which was subjected to a lengthy ground delay =0Afo=
llowing a weather diversion to Rochester (RST), Minn., on Aug. 8, 2009.  =
=0AResponding =0Ato the findings of a U.S. Department of Transportation (DO=
T) investigation that =0Athe ExpressJet crew was not at fault and that the =
local representative of Mesaba =0AAirlines (a wholly-owned subsidiary of De=
lta Air Lines), improperly refused the =0Arequests of the captain to let he=
r passengers off the plane, Larry =0Asaid, =E2=80=9CContinental takes respo=
nsibility for the care of its customers, whether =0Athey are on our regiona=
l partners=E2=80=99 flights or our own. We are gratified that =0ASecretary =
LaHood recognized the crew=E2=80=99s efforts to resolve the situation.  =0A=
=E2=80=9CWhile =0Athe result for the customers was clearly unacceptable, it=
 is evident that the =0AExpressJet crew worked through the night to resolve=
 the situation and was =0Afrustrated with Delta Connection=E2=80=99s failur=
e to provide reasonable assistance. =0A=E2=80=9CWe =0Ahave processes in pla=
ce to avoid these situations and those processes clearly =0Abroke down in t=
his case. We are working to ensure that doesn't happen again,=E2=80=9D =0AL=
arry said.=0AIn =0Athe statement issued by the DOT, LaHood said, =E2=80=9CT=
he [Mesaba] representative =0Aincorrectly said that the airport was closed =
to passengers for security reasons, =0Awhich led to this nightmare for thos=
e stuck on the plane.=E2=80=9D =0AIn =0Aaddition, the manager of the Roches=
ter Airport incorrectly stated in several =0Aprevious interviews that the p=
assengers and crew could have deplaned and that =E2=80=9Call decisions made=
 to keep the passengers enplaned were =0Amade by the Continental Dispatch i=
n MSP.=E2=80=9D=0AThe =0ADOT statement also said the Aviation Enforcement O=
ffice is considering the =0Aappropriate action to take against Mesaba as it=
 completes the investigation, =0Awhich it expects to conclude within a few =
weeks. =0AExpressJet =0Aissued a separate statement saying, =E2=80=9CExpres=
sJet and Continental have a long =0Astanding relationship of cooperation wi=
th the Department of Transportation (DOT) =0Aon passenger rights. ExpressJe=
t was one of the few regional airlines that =0Avoluntarily participated in =
the DOT's task force on developing contingency plans =0Aduring extended tar=
mac delays. Through knowledge gained by participating in the =0ADOT task fo=
rce, both ExpressJet and Continental adopted an extended tarmac delay =0Apr=
ogram. As the timeline and digital voice recordings accompanying this relea=
se =0Aprove, both companies know the program and attempted to follow =0Ait.=
=E2=80=9D=0A            =0ACo-workers may read the full statements by CO, D=
OT and ExpressJet by clicking =0Athe links below.=0AContinental Airlines Re=
sponds to DOT =0AFindings on Flight 2816=0AExpressJet =0AResponds to DOT Re=
view of Extended Tarmac Delay on Flight =0A2816=0AStatement by U.S. =0ATran=
sportation Secretary Ray LaHood on Conclusion of the Preliminary Phase of =
=0Athe Continental Tarmac Delay Investigation


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