SFGate: FAA's nosedive on air safety

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Monday, April 14, 2008 (SF Chronicle)
FAA's nosedive on air safety

   After doing too little about air safety, the Federal Aviation
Administration is now trying to do too much. The result is a wave of
fines, plane groundings and disruptions that have affected nearly 300,000
travelers this past week.
   The federal agency needs common sense, not damage control, in finding its
way out of a thicket of self-created problems. It had tolerated a
buddy-system culture between inspectors and airlines that tolerated safety
violations, since exposed by whistle-blowers before Congress.
   The testimony involving 46 Southwest planes brought a $10.2 million fine
from the agency. Also, the FAA has promised reforms, including more
frequent transfers of inspectors to safeguard objectivity, to ensure
stricter oversight.
   But other parts of the fix are only making things worse. The FAA has gone
on a zero-tolerance bender, demanding that airlines repair the smallest
problems instantly, no matter what. The biggest result was American
Airlines' decision to ground 300 planes, resulting in the cancellation of
3,000 flights that marooned thousands of passengers. The supposed
violation: Clips that bundled wiring in wheel wells were 1.25 inches apart
instead of 1 inch.
   Given the choice, most passengers would rather be on the jet with the
1-inch distance, especially if that's the established rule and American
had ignored it. But it's a violation that sounds a long way from the
starting point for the whole uproar - cracked metal on the Southwest jets
that were permitted to fly. The FAA needed to do something - anything -
quickly to save its image and mollify overseers in Congress.
   The federal agency has a larger challenge before it than the hurry-up
desire to make the nation's air fleet safe. In a regulation-lite
administration, it needs to find the leadership and steady will to enforce
air safety laws. The absence of this commitment has bred the image of the
FAA as a shrug-shoulder friend of air carriers.
   To be sure, flying remains safe. Jet travel is up and accidents are down
over the past 20 years. The last major crashes involved Valujet in Florida
in 1996 and an American Airlines aircraft in New York in 2001.
   But complacency with this successful record is a danger. In a New York
Times interview, Minnesota Democrat James Oberstar, who chairs the House
panel on transportation, described this outlook: "Time passes, and 'Oh, we
haven't had an accident and now we can be cozy and play patty-cake with
the airlines.' "
   Airlines have happily accepted the FAA's evolution from cop to companion.
The financial hit that followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks was gradually
easing until fuel prices spiked over the past year. Four airlines - Aloha,
ATA, Skybus and Frontier - hit bankruptcy this month. Any help in easing
repair bills will be accepted by hard-pressed airline executives.
   If any good comes of this episode, it could be a FAA reawakened to its
duties. The agency needs a stronger approach committed to vigilant,
impartial oversight of a vital industry. Congress could also be more
helpful, mainly by agreeing on a long-stalled plan to upgrade the nation's
air traffic control system, which is badly outdated. Satellite
positioning, for example, should be substituted for outdated radar
controls in guiding and spacing planes. This upgrade has languished in a
debate over splitting the bill between Washington and air carriers.
   This overhaul won't happen until the agency proves it can perform its
essential duty of protecting the flying public. That job should start now.

Copyright 2008 SF Chronicle


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