Re: SFGate: Mauritanian Hijacker Gets in Hot Water

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And I use to be the guy who sent the same msg over and over again(email gli=
tch of course)=0A=0A=0A----- Original Message ----=0AFrom: Bill Hough <psa1=
88@xxxxxxxx>=0ATo: airline <airline@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; skyone@yahoogroups.=
com; airline2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=0ASent: Friday, February 16, 2007 3:54:46 PM=
=0ASubject: [Airline] SFGate: Mauritanian Hijacker Gets in Hot Water=0A=0A=
=0A=0A------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -=0ATh=
is article was sent to you by someone who found it on SFGate.=0AThe origina=
l article can be found on here:=0Ahttp://www.sfgate. com/cgi-bin=
/ article.cgi? file=3D/n/a/ 2007/02/16/ international/ i070721S38. DTL=0A--=
---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -=0AFriday, Fe=
bruary 16, 2007 (AP)=0AMauritanian Hijacker Gets in Hot Water=0ABy JUAN MAN=
UEL PARDELLAS, Associated Press Writer=0A=0A(02-16) 11:12 PST SANTA CRUZ DE=
 TENERIFE, Canary Islands (AP) --=0A=0AA fast-thinking pilot with passenger=
s in cahoots fooled a hijacker by=0Abraking hard upon landing, then acceler=
ating to knock the man down. When=0Ahe fell, flight attendants threw boilin=
g water in his face, and about 10=0Apeople pounced on him, Spanish official=
s said Friday.=0A=0AThe Air Mauritania Boeing 737 carrying 71 passengers an=
d a crew of eight=0Awas hijacked by a lone gunman brandishing two pistols T=
hursday evening=0Ashortly after it took off from Nouakchott, the capital of=
 Mauritania, for=0AGran Canaria, one of Spain's Canary Islands, with a plan=
ned stopover in=0ANouadhibou in northern Mauritania.=0A=0AThe hijacking ala=
rmed Spanish officials because a trial of 29 people=0Aaccused in the Madrid=
 terrorist bombings of 2004 had begun the same day in=0AMadrid. But the man=
's motives were not terrorism; he wanted the plane to=0Afly to France so he=
 could request political asylum, said Mohamed Ould=0AMohamed Cheikh, Maurit=
ania's top police official.=0A=0A"We were afraid. We thought it was people =
from al-Qaida or the Algerian=0AGSPC who were going to cut our throats," sa=
id Aicha Mint Sidi, a=0A45-year-old woman who was on the plane. The GSPC is=
 a Muslim extremist=0Agroup.=0A=0A"I trembled during and after the hijackin=
g. I thought the plane was going=0Ato blow up any minute, either in mid-air=
 or on landing," said another=0Apassenger, Dahi Ould Ali, 52. Both spoke af=
ter returning to Nouakchott.=0A=0AThe hijacker has been identified as Moham=
ed Abderraman, a 32-year-old=0AMauritanian, said an official with the Spani=
sh Interior Ministry office on=0ATenerife, another of the islands in the At=
lantic archipelago. He spoke=0Aunder ground rules barring publication of hi=
s name. Mauritania has said=0Athe hijacker was a Moroccan from the Western =
Sahara.=0A=0AThe hijacker ordered the pilot to fly to France, but the crew =
told him=0Athere was not enough fuel. And Morocco denied a request to land =
in the=0Acity of Djala in the Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara, so the pi=
lot=0Aheaded for Las Palmas in Gran Canaria, the original destination.=0A=
=0AAlong the way, speaking to the hijacker, the pilot realized the man did=
=0Anot speak French. So he used the plane's public address system to warn t=
he=0Apassengers in French of the ploy he was going to try: brake hard upon=
=0Alanding, then speed up abruptly. The idea was to catch the hijacker off=
=0Abalance, and have crew members and men sitting in the front rows of the=
=0Aplane jump him, the Spanish official said.=0A=0AThe pilot also warned wo=
men and children to move to the back of the plane=0Ain preparation for the =
subterfuge, the official said.=0A=0AIt worked. The man was standing in the =
middle aisle when the pilot carried=0Aout his maneuver, and he fell to the =
floor, dropping one of his two 7 mm=0Apistols. Flight attendants then threw=
 boiling water from a coffee machine=0Ain his face and at his chest, and so=
me 10 people jumped on the man and=0Abeat him, the Spanish official said.=
=0A=0AAround 20 people were slightly injured when the plane braked suddenly=
, the=0Aofficial said.=0A=0AThe hijacker was arrested by Spanish police who=
 boarded the plane after it=0Alanded at Gando airport, outside Las Palmas.=
=0A=0AAir Mauritania identified the heroic pilot as Ahmedou Mohamed Lemine,=
 a=0A20-year-veteran of the company.=0A=0A____=0A=0AAssociated Press writer=
s Daniel Woolls in Madrid and Ahmed Mohamed in=0ANouakchott, Mauritania con=
tributed to this report. ------------ --------- --------- --------- -------=
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