Wonder if there are any Euro/Asian tracking sites that will show this bird?= =0A=0A<<A380 launched a series of global route proving flights this week = as it approaches type certification, Airbus said. A Trent 900-powered aircr= aft--the second A380 produced--will fly Singapore-Toulouse today after leav= ing France on Nov. 13 and stopping in Seoul. It will depart tomorrow on a T= oulouse-Hong Kong-Tokyo Narita-Toulouse routing and a third journey startin= g Nov. 21 will include stops in Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai before a No= v. 24 return. The final flight traverses both poles and will stop in Johann= esburg on Nov. 26, continue to Sydney and land in Vancouver before finishin= g in Toulouse on Nov. 30.>>=0A=0A=0A =0A___________________________________= _________________________________________________=0ASponsored Link=0A=0ADon= 't quit your job - take classes online=0Awww.Classesusa.com=0A