KL602 is a real KLM aircraft. I've taken that flight. And a 1.5 hour connection at AMS is normally fine, unless there's something unusual about Malev; I've made shorter connections (KLM-KLM, KLM-British Airways, KLM-Lufhansa) in both directions at AMS. -- Michael C. Berch mcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx On Oct 14, 2006, at 8:23 AM, Mark Panitz wrote: > My parents will be flying to AMS from Lax > soon, they are booked on KLM 602 > My stepfather says he thinks thats really Northwest > plane I think its KLM plane > can you untangle this confusion? > also they are connecting to a Malev flight their > LAX-AMS arrives at 1:15 > their Malev flight departs at 2:45pm > is that connection safe? > thanks for any assitance