Pan Am to pay ex-workers after 15 years

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Pan Am to pay ex-workers after 15 years=20
AP Business Writer


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NEW YORK (AP) -- In the 15 years since Pan American World Airways shut down=
, Anthony La Pera had assumed he would never get paid for his leftover wage=
s and accrued vacation. But La Pera and another 15,000 former employees can=
 expect to open their mailboxes one day this December and find that a check=
 has arrived, marking the end of the liquidation of an iconic airline.
In July, a federal bankruptcy judge authorized the Pan Am Corp. to distribu=
te the money it had secured in a settlement with the government of Libya. S=
ending out those checks marks the end of a long process of winding down Pan=
"This is about as final as it can get," said Walter Curchack of the law fir=
m Loeb & Loeb, which helped negotiate the settlement agreement on behalf of=
 Pan Am.
The defunct Pan Am, which started in 1927 and helped create what was then a=
 new industry, shut down on Dec. 4, 1991, after declaring bankruptcy in Jan=
uary of that year. Among the last, fatal blows it suffered was the 1988 bom=
bing of Flight 103, a now infamous attack that ended with 270 dead when a b=
omb exploded on board as the plane flew over Lockerbie, Scotland.

In 2003, Libya accepted responsibility for the bombing and agreed to pay re=
stitution to the victims. Pan Am's payments come from a separate settlement=
 of a lawsuit its insurers brought against the Libyan government.
The 68-year-old La Pera and other former employees recently received notice=
s from Wells Fargo & Co., which is coordinating the distribution of approxi=
mately 43 percent of Pan Am's settlement money to former employees. Those w=
ho are eligible will get between 5 percent and 6 percent of what they were =
owed when the airline shut down in 1991.
For La Pera, that means he will get a check in the range of $1,250 to $1,50=
0, given that he was owed between $25,000 to $30,000 for accrued vacation a=
nd back pay.
"It's like found money, in effect, because nobody expected anything to come=
 out of this," he said.
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Richard Vieta, another former employee, remembers well the day the airline =
shut down: It was his birthday. And after the company folded, he was one of=
 a small group of employees who remained to catalog and sell off pieces of =
the airline.
Vieta had worked at the airline nearly 30 years scheduling maintenance and =
tracking aircraft parts. His last year, though, was spent at New York's Joh=
n F. Kennedy International Airport's jet center and hangar No. 19, helping =
an auctioneer sell off parts from the disassembled planes.
"What I think Pan Am demonstrates is that these are the unrecognized victim=
s of the industry's problems - people that did dedicate themselves to an em=
ployer for a long time and basically got left out," Curchack said.
Since the bankruptcy filing in late 1991, Curchack and others, including fo=
rmer Pan Am lawyer Paul Rendich, have worked to secure a settlement.
"This case has been literally, for the last 10 years, a sort of a matter of=
 honor to many of the people involved in it," Curchack said. "It's a vindic=
ation in that there's some resolution for Pan Am and some of its employees,=
 who felt they were personally attacked by the bombing of Flight 103."
Flight 103 was partially insured for $32 million in damage from acts of war=
 or terror; the entire plane was valued at $67 million. The insurers paid $=
32 million to Pan Am then pursued a civil case to recover damages from the =
Libyan government on behalf of the airline.
But because the civil lawsuit could not proceed until a related criminal on=
e was resolved, there was little movement in the case for about a decade.
In the meantime, two Libyan agents, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen K=
halifa Fhimah, were prosecuted under Scottish law through a court at the Ha=
gue for carrying out the bombing. In 2001, Fhimah was acquitted and al-Megr=
ahi convicted of murder.
As al-Megrahi's appeals wound down, representatives of the insurers and Pan=
 Am began speaking to Libyan negotiators and their French lawyers about a p=
ossible settlement deal. The discussions intensified in 2004 and continued =
into 2005 by phone and at meetings in London, Paris and Tripoli.
Rendich, who had worked as a lawyer for Pan Am since the 1980s, said that a=
t one point, the Libyans tried to pit Pan Am against its insurer and tried =
to blame the airline's closure on economic factors unrelated to the bombing=
The two sides finally reached a deal on February 18, 2005, and the bankrupt=
cy judge overseeing the case approved the deal a month later.
Minus certain fees and the portion of the settlement that goes to the insur=
ers, Pan Am Corp. will have about $31 million to distribute among former em=
ployees, ticketholders, bank lenders, commercial vendors and other creditor=
Even before the attack on Flight 103, Pan Am had wedged itself into the hea=
rts and minds of many.
Rarely do companies operating today generate the kind of pride and loyalty =
heard in the voices of former Pan Am employees. They hold reunions and keep=
 in touch, even now.
Some collect memorabilia, such as decades-old route maps and original fligh=
t covers, which were mementos given to first-class travelers that depicted =
planes or travel destinations. According to a posting on a Pan Am remembran=
ce Web site, someone even tried to start a Pan Am golf club.
When La Pera started working at Pan Am in 1962, he was paid $2.14 an hour. =
As a crew scheduler, he monitored flights as they landed. Messages were sen=
t by teletype and records handwritten to track them.
He remembers looking forward to the end of his vacations so he could get ba=
ck to work.
"It was always exciting," he said. "The company, if you look at its history=
, it had a lot of firsts. We had a part in it, and they made us feel a part=
 of it."
Professor Bijan Vasigh of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University said Pan Am =
indeed occupies a special place in history.
"They actually dominated the world for many, many years," Vasigh said. "Pan=
 Am was one of the icons of U.S. air transportation."
On the Net:
Pan Am Liquidation Trust:
Pan Am historical Web sites:
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