I can tell you the cause. The state was facing an energy emergency yesterd= ay due to the abnormally hot weather lately and as such they set about with=20= rolling blackouts. The only problem is that the idiots failed to notice tha= t a vital function was going on out in Palmdale. =20 =20 -----Original Message----- From: blaine@xxxxxxxx To: AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 8:55 PM Subject: SoCal Problems Air traffic center outage disrupts Southern California flights LOS ANGELES (AP) =E2=80=94 A power outage at the Los Angeles Air Route Traff= ic=20 Control Center Tuesday cut communications and brought incoming and=20 outgoing flights in Southern California to a standstill, a Federal=20 Aviation Administration spokesman said. =E2=80=9CWe lost everything, we lost all power to phone lines, computers,=20 everything,=E2=80=9D said Allen Kenitzer, a regional spokesman for the FAA. The outage was reported around 6 p.m., Kenitzer said, and the cause was=20 not known. The center is located in the High Desert near Palmdale. ________________________________________________________________________ Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM= . All on demand. Always Free.