One of the problems with the scheme is that traffic into SFO (or anywhere else) is not segregated by size. The "short" runway can only be assigned to a narrow-body aircraft (B717/727/737, DC9/MD80/90, A318/319/320, and all the RJs, bizjets, and turboprops). The full runway would be required by the wide-bodies (B747/767/777, A300/330/340, DC10/MD10/MD11, and the future B787 and A350/380). (B757 and A321 are in the middle; "heavies" for wake-turbulence purposes, but I don't know their max landing weight and runway requirements.) On another forum, a pilot brought up a big problem: if you have a heavy (or other a/c ) using the full runway while another a/c is using the short field for a parallel approach, and the heavy elects to go around at the minimum decision height, in climbing out it sounds like it would impinge on the protected airspace for the other aircraft, esp. given that the heavy will be using TOGA power and accelerating. I guess precise spacing could eliminate that, but I hope someone has considered that. As a frequent SFO traveler, I think it does sound promising to look into, though. -- Michael C. Berch mcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx