I have saddly come to expect the comments David made, but I don't think even he would promote the death of 400 innocent people like the other poster did. In a message dated 4/25/2006 12:47:35 AM Central Daylight Time, wxman@xxxxxxxxxx writes: David, you have often lowered the level of commentary on this list with your small-minded political views, and here you have done so again. You might read the news, but you don't understand it, and you are misrepresenting it here. In the past you have sometimes taken it even lower with personal attacks on members of this list. It is offensive, the views you have expressed are offensive, they are a complete drag, and they are inappropriate in this forum. There are lists of political nature which would welcome your political views. This isn't it. I agree with Michael, Baha, Alireza, Mark, and other contributors who have expressed their nausea about this type of commentary.