Actually, back before El Toro was closed, the DOD offered Miramar to the City of San Diego for one of these token $1 deals and they would then keep El Toro open. Even now, the Marines could give up Miramar without too much difficulty, though it could be easily maintained as a joint use facility. It really is an absolutely perfect location, size, etc. for a regional airport. In a message dated 12/16/2005 7:36:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, damiross3@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: Uh, we are talking about politicians here, Alireza. They have no sense whatsoever. Imperial County? Gimme a break! BTW, Miramar should be retained as a military airfield. They could make it a joint-use field, though, along the lines of Honolulu International/Hickam, Yuma/MCA Yuma, etc.