In a message dated 12/15/2004 7:02:24 AM Central Standard Time, mmontano@xxxxxxxxx writes: I've done a few connections through LAX, but this was my first real O&D via AA's Terminal 7. AA does not fly out of Terminal 7, they fly out of Terminal 4. It is the most recently renovated terminal at LAX. Actually, I remember when they were doing the work on the place. It seemed to take forever. I used to go in there all the time to pick up my mom's best friend from BOS(3 times a year and an elite in AAdvantage), or take my uncle and aunt to their bi-yearly trip to France, and they were constantly working on it. I have not flown AA since 9/11 and they don't let you go into the gate area now, but I have looked inside and the place looks beautiful Given that my FF program is MileagePlus, I wish Terminal 7 was half that nice