PRINTS OF CONCORDE'S FINAL FLIGHT RAISE =A38,000 FOR HOSPICE FUNDS = Next Story | Previous Story | Back to list = 18:00 - 07 October 2004 = A supersonic picture has raised thousands of pounds for a North Devon cha= rity. Twelve months ago Phil Naylor, of Braunton, captured a rare moment = on film when he snapped a picture of British Airways' flagship plane Conc= orde on its final flight. Phil had his camera at the ready as it passed over his Braunton home. The picture was featured in the Journal and the popularity of the photogr= aph instigated a fund-raising initiative that has brought in the bucks. With help from local printers Top Town and the Frame Warehouse, 1,000 cop= ies of the picture were made and mounted and sold in North Devon Hospice = shops for =A310. Now as the first anniversary of Concorde's final flight is approaching th= e money has been counted and most of the pictures sold. Phil said: "Concorde flew overhead every day at 5pm. You could set your w= atch by it. When I knew it was not flying anymore I decided to take the p= icture to keep for myself." But the idea to sell off limited edition prints was born when Phil was in= the hospice's furniture shop. Alison Hunt from the hospice said: "Phil took the picture and when he was= talking at our centre he decided to submit it to the Journal. "There were so many inquiries we came up with the idea to have 1,000 prin= ts made. We were thrilled to be involved in the idea." Phil subsequently = signed all 1,000 prints, a task that took him a week even with the help o= f an army of volunteers. Now the majority of the prints have been sold and many are hanging on wal= ls on the other side of the world including South Africa and Australia. Alison's sister even has one in her home in New York - a fitting place fo= r an image of Concorde that was en route across the Atlantic. With around =A38,000 raised for the hospice, Phil and Alison are making a= final push for cash and are awaiting the return of 20 prints which are d= ue to be signed by Concorde pilot Captain Mike Bannister. = Roger EWROPS