Alireza, Thanks for your reply; I knew there was bad blood between the two of them but for why? I am very glad to see the new record set yesterday as it was done. I am sure this chapter will be added to the program seen on TV 2-3 nights ago. My question is; With the materials use in this spacecraft, will the US government invest in the same kind of technology in future space programs? I wonder if the US space program is in shock by now? For all the money we have spent in space, and to be outdone by a very small company must be a "kick in the pants". I wish there was a government spokesman on this list to voice the fed's excuses. Would be nice. Bob BOB FLETCHER US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MILITARY DESIGN SECTION 10th FLOOR S.W. SACRAMENTO DISTRICT 1325 J STREET, SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA, 95814-2922 Phone (916) 557-7235 -----Original Message----- From: Alireza Alivandivafa [mailto:DEmocrat2n@xxxxxxx] Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 7:45 PM To: AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: re Mojave airport Ask Gina Yeager how great he is. They were not happy with eachother. In a message dated 10/4/2004 2:08:36 PM Central Daylight Time, Robert.Fletcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes: That story was one of the greatest ones I have ever see ! What Dick R. did with NO gov help is just super> I'd bet there is much more testing to be done. 63 miles is a high aim and my hat is off to his team for what they are doing. I wondered after watching this, will the gov try to get in on this for the research? I think there are plans to run this show again at a different dated this month. All SHOULD look for it. Thanks God, He is a US citizen, a great man !