Just because Mineta was Secretary of Commerce and a VP Lockheed does not make him qualified to be Secretary of Transportation. The TSA is part of the Department of Transportation, thus making Mineta in charge of it. >From the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [CITE: 49USC114] TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION SUBTITLE I--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHAPTER 1--ORGANIZATION Sec. 114. Transportation Security Administration (a) In General.--The Transportation Security Administration shall be an administration of the Department of Transportation. Again, the government needs to stop worrying about offending people and get on with the business of protecting people. Mineta, by the way, was one of the reasons it took so long to get the pilots armed again. When it comes to aviation, Mineta would make a good dog catcher (maybe). David R