: > Boeing aircraft are much better than Airbus. From a safety : > standpoint, I'd much rather fly in a Boeing prodcut than an Airbus : > product. : More opinionated crap. Do you think an Airbus jet could do a barrell roll - the 707 did. Do you think an Airbus jet could survive with half of its wing missing (and the engine there)? - a 707 did Do you think an Airbus jet could become a convertible (a la Aloha 737) and still land safely : : > BTW: Branson also wants the US losen the restrictions on foreign : > ownership of airlines. This is totally wrong. : : And finishing up with even more opinionated crap. Be nice if you could chuck a fact in every once in a while, David. Here's a couple of that support my statement about Branson and airline ownership in the USA: http://www.alpa.org/alpa/DesktopModules/ViewAnnDocument.aspx?DocumentID=4004 http://www.planebusiness.com/tscolumns/ts050899.html : : Grant : SYD : QF