Subject: Re: [AIRLINE] Frontier Experience Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 22:16:42 +0000 Message-Id: <060220042216.18646.40BE51CA0002C60A000048D622007511509C9C019D07030E0B@xxxxxxxxxxx> X-Mailer: AT&T Message Center Version 1 (May 18 2004) X-Authenticated-Sender: ZGFtaXJvc3NAY29tY2FzdC5uZXQ= JetBlue hasn't charged for the television service since the day it started operating. They didn't originally own the service. I think Frontier is being penny wise but pound foolish. They shouldn't charge for the television service. David R > The reason you don't have to pay on B6 is because jetBlue owns LiveTV, the ones > who do the tv system. It is actually B6 that is chrging you for the service > > <<I flew F9 for the first time last Sunday from DEN to LAS and I was not > impressed by the comfort of the seats and the Direct TV policy. To compare > it to another LCC that uses similar product line JetBlue offers TV for free > and their seats are much more comfortable. > > Ted didn't have a single seat available in A320 but the Frontier's A319 had > only 60 people in it.>>