I don't know about the "Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports" but I do find that reading the actual final accident reports is fascinating. I also think they are a great way to learn how to prevent not only other aircraft accidents but also to prevent problems in non-aviation fields. So many times, one or two small things grab the attention of the crew to the exclusion of other, more important items, and, as a result, the plane crashes. Same thing in business - people look at one small thing and a big fire erupts. Does that make sense? David R ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Montano" <mmontano@xxxxxxxxx> To: <AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 18:41 Subject: [AIRLINE] Crashes... : I'm just reading "Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports" (yes, I : know, dull reading.) : : But I was thinking that there hasn't been any significant airliner : losses in quite some time. : : For those statistics 'folks', how are things going on the aircraft : safety look of things for the past few years? : : .. or am I forgetting a few incidents? : : Matthew