I am glad that finally the "Absolute Crappy Airline" aka Atlantic Coast Airlines is getting a boot in the ass. They won't be missed a bit. Not by me, and not by thousands of others who were inconvenienced by their dumb airline ops. Now, I think we should hold the "How long ACA , err Independence Air, will run?".. I cannot believe them flying A320 equipment with the professionalism (pun pun) they had when they were running ACA. Now, I would like to see who will do the J41 runs for United out of IAD though. Some markets , such as IAD-ROA/CHO/CRW are not well suited for RJs; any kind of RJs. For people who are wondering about the gates of new airlines who will run the UAX ops, they will be in C and D gates. It will not be a smooth transition. What makes me wonder is what gates will Independence Air will use for their A320 ops. Buh-bye ACA.. and don't let the door hit you on your way out.. BAHA Fan of United , even though I have to take Alaska now..