Southwest is an idea who's time has come. This is the product that people want to buy and they do. On a 1-2 hour flight with them you are more comfortable than on a similar flight with Delta or ??. Bigger seats, friendlier attendants and when you PAY FOR YOUR OWN ticket the super low fares make you smile and a bit happier. I realize that "business travelers' (big whoop) want the sacred upgrade-the company pays and they just go along for the ride. I think that day is ending with many carriers actually SELLING First class seats iso just giving them away. That and the RJ's all Y class taking over 50% of American skys. When I want a quick holiday---Southwest---32$ Tucson to SanDiego, or Las Vegas, or Los Angles or Albuquerque NM. etc etc. Quick and on time and comfortable and CHEAP too ! Hey if I worked for General Motors or ? and they paid--UAL or AAL all the way with First Class upgrades etc etc. Southwest is the VW of the skies, Dennis