They were only on the ground in Gander for 38 minutes - it seems unlikely that an mx problem serious enough to require a mid-Atlantic diversion could have been diagnosed and fixed in the amount of time, and it certainly isn't long enough to rescreen pax, etc... The decision to divert was uploaded to Sabre at 2139CT, 3.5 hours after departure from JFK. It was 80 minutes from the decision to divert until the actual landing in Gander, so we can assume that they were pretty far out in the Atlantic - probably between a third and halfway through the crossing. Note that pushback to departure did take an hour, but it's unlikely, especially flying eastbound, that a fuel situation is to blame here. Matthew :) Travel Pages wrote: >Sick pax? > >2AA44/24FEB#154; >AA0044/24FEB > ++DTE CHNG FLT++ ORIG 24FEB >SFO 800A 66 >JFK B1 8 23 413P 615P 8 23 >CDG ++ 735A >4SFO/OUT0756 OFF0810 *1010 >2JFK/IN1614 *1515 >4JFK/OUT1815 OFF1916 *2045 >1CDG/DVRSN INTMD LNDG AT YQX ETA 0130 RMKS PSVC*2139*QSDWDA >2CDG/IN1158 *0458 >3YQX/ETD0200 *2136 >2YQX/IN0129 *2300 >4YQX/OUT0207 OFF0215 *0305 >