In a message dated 2/6/2004 7:11:33 AM US Mountain Standard Time, EricB955@xxxxxxx writes: > Airbus has been successful in luring more longtime Boeing customers  > to the European consortium (most notably Air New Zealand and South African > Airways) because of the United States' jingoistic foreign policy since September > 11, 2001. > > I would think US selected Airbus A320s over Boeing 737NGs because of the > A320's wider cabin over the 737NG. Jingoistic?  Maybe you've been hittin' that Turkish coffee a bit much, Eric!  US Airways selected the A320 for it's family of aircraft (A319 A320 A321) and the ability to certify crew quickly on the A330 - something you can't do on Boeing's 737/767 combo.  Plus the order was placed by the Wolfman, so you know there was money to be saved or made!  RT Simpson Phoenix Fan of Eric flying STL - HNL on a 737NG