This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3DB4B.00BC0CA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Print This StoryHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ Come to think of it, I could do that. Jet Blue's Stay-At-Home Work Force SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. 13, 2004 Nothing about the morning family chaos, from breakfast to brushing, even = hints at the job Suzy Dall has upstairs the minute her four kids and = husband are out the door.=20 "What will you do right now?" asked CBS News Correspondent Wyatt = Andrews.=20 "Now, I will go up and log on," Dall replied.=20 Log on -- as one of 800 reservation agents for Jet Blue Airways and = every one of them -- like Suzy -- works from home.=20 This is not telecommuting -- where someone works from home once in a = while. Right by the window, overlooking the cul de sac, is the only = place Suzy Dall ever goes to work.=20 "This is it. This is my office," she said. "Once that first call comes = in, my whole focus changes. I'm not Mom anymore -- all of a sudden I'm = this person who is trying to be a good customer service representative." = What's unique about the Jet Blue system is that all those hundreds of = home based workers are the reservations system. There is no backup.=20 "If you call 1-800-JetBlue you're going to get someone in their home," = said Jet Blue's CEO David Neeleman.=20 Neeleman created those jobs as a way to reduce employee turnover. He = figured that the reservation agents -- who take more than ten million = calls a year -- would be happier at home than in some call cubicle = warehouse.=20 "The minute we made that transition their productivity was 25 percent = better," he said. "Even today I can't figure out why more companies = don't do it."=20 What Neeleman has tapped into is not just the Internet revolution. He's = also tapped what could be called a family centered revolution -- where = one parent in a two-income household spends more time at home.=20 "I'm able to be here when they leave in the morning. And I'm here when = they come home from school in the afternoon. So I feel like I am a = stay-at-home mom, yet I can get my work done in between," Dall said.=20 The airline is also convinced this is the future -- information jobs = that don't need an office and don't need to be exported overseas. Suzy = Dall believes the job changed her life -- without changing what's = important, her family.=20 Says Dall "I like the win-win."=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3DB4B.00BC0CA0 Content-Type: image/gif; name="but_print.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location: R0lGODlhKwAUAMQRAJmZmWZmZgAAAJKSknp6ev///4ODg4uLi5eXl21tbVNTU2BgYO7u7kZGRszM zKGhoampqf///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEA ABEALAAAAAArABQAAAX/YCCOZGmeaBlFAeC+cCzP9Busba3vdCAIOZ6Q5wO+BsikUolYIhCA51Lp KraaBwNha+h2uYasN3wYHMTaLSE8QFgBA21gQQ8k7vOF/Z4Q3dUEeHR1BGVvAwQQBYuLBgoMjAUO dAUKCpJ6AQwPC5GLEAYDbwcEDwwNqAwAjwioAAyWBaiLDAGPD5YKDg4KAYWiPwEIpA+eBI+RvA2y ywuQrw8iC7sLa22jpbAKenSqBAy1sbOWDosPCYG7CaFVwXCJtehbCZsL9AyOlZeZihBrBLsKQQFw iNSWM2YA8cHjR+GaLFwG2HAHB6HEimfOjBlTRmOZJGUGEqQY5QmMJyinKCBpIkWkSRhvhsisEXOm TZjBUujcqfPHih9AgwodSrTo0J9GkypNGgIAOw== ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3DB4B.00BC0CA0 Content-Type: image/gif; name="but_back.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location: R0lGODlhKwAUALMPAJSUlIuLi1dXV0dHR3t7e5mZmYSEhGZmZgAAAHV1dWxsbDs7O////6enp9ra 2v///yH5BAEAAA8ALAAAAAArABQAAAT/8MhJq724vneK/2AojuR3bF2pruSBIOkHzEEw3zhe57z5 xgVAwGAgEA21pHJ4JDKPO48LJhsmFFhFgsDtEgnXbGJMHhNsgMI0Zv0aFQd4IhAPNyUCg0BwqJ3T ax5CBAcMhod7Ag4MegcCh4cDAwwDB4tbNmo/ggEJhQoLCwSUA6MFlAKTCZIKlAsMAYt8f5pUQZ2P kAChjJMBkgwJC5IDvIaSB7SBt57Boa0Lp5DAq6WuDIqMyZnLg62Q2AyOA48NuZCppA0MDcqbggZX jokUcBkWWkiA77dFYFxbtnQZWIagQH1S+AURkgSJEoZLIi6ZkdAWCB4UgwjCiFFjRSAsGkKqWHOv pMkLLza8WMmypcuXMF2qjEmzJs0IADs= ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3DB4B.00BC0CA0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="HG?hc=we71&cd=1&hv=6&ce=u&hb=DM52100714BB38EN3;DM530910EMZA38EN3&n=Jet+Blues+Stay-At-Home+Work+Force+-+593026&vcon=eveningnews&seg=&cmp=&gp=&fnl=&pec=&dcmp=&ra=&gn=&cv=&ld=&la=&c1=593026+-+jet_blue_workers&c2=&c3=&c4=&vpc=090000rn" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Location:;DM530910EMZA38EN3&n=Jet+Blues+Stay-At-Home+Work+Force+-+593026&vcon=eveningnews&seg=&cmp=&gp=&fnl=&pec=&dcmp=&ra=&gn=&cv=&ld=&la=&c1=593026+-+jet_blue_workers&c2=&c3=&c4=&vpc=090000rn R0lGODlhAQABAID/AMDAwAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw== ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C3DB4B.00BC0CA0--