At 08:09 AM 1/8/2004, you wrote: > > >You must be in a really bad position to consider selling your hubs or >LGA slots. > >BAHA >Fan of change Yeah, especially given the rather short list of people in a position to buy the shuttle operation. UAL is probably in no position to do so, CO could, but is focused at the wrong airport, DL has no need, NWA probably can't afford it, and doesn't have the east coast position.... AMR, probably would love it. I expect they could figure out how to do it, but they aren't exactly rolling in cash. JetBlue? Tempting I expect. Who else has a big enough presence in the NY metro area to justify buying it? Or perhaps, who wants a bigger presence in the market? The hubs? PHL is a somewhat tainted asset, with WN setting up camp. Charolotte? Probably the best remaining asset, although a USAir reduced to PHL and PIT is pretty sad. And PIT? Well, they just decided to only re-lease 10 gates long term, so just what are you selling? I don't think that Logan is all that constrained for gates, is it? - David