>A hub is defined as a bank of flights that arrives at approximately the same time and departs at approximately the same >time. By this definition, WN does not hub. They happen to have a lot of flights at a given airport that gives the pax a >good connection opportunity. Sorry, a hub is a hub because of people connecting through it. You set your hub according to the geographical location and the people go through it becuase of exponential number of increases in destinations served from a spoke point. There are even mathmatical formulae that define the benefit of a hub. Southwest claims not to have hubs, but then again OAK, HOU, MDW, MDW, etc. are all hubs. Some of the airlines that are claiming not to have hubs, they actually do. Hubs are good.. Skipping some of the hubs and providing some point to point service like America West's JFK-LAX flights is better. Combining both is priceless :) BAHA Fan of hours spent transportation economics journal in college :)