Trip Report: SkyWest MRY-SFO-MFR

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I'm finally sitting down to write my trip report for my Thanksgiving
trip to Medford, Oregon.  Better write this one before my next flights. :)

Tickets were purchased via Orbitz in September.  A case of Orbitz having
better prices and/or flight times than

MFR = Medford, Oregon
MRY = Monterey, California
SFO = San Francisco, California

Thursday, November 27, 2003

United Express operated by SkyWest Airlines
flight 6704
Scheduled: 0710-0744
Actual: 0710-0732
Crew base: Palm Springs
seat 9A

Thanksgiving morning.  Not sure what to expect, and I've never flown out
of Monterey before.  Arrive in the terminal a little after 0500.  About
three people ahead of me in line to check in at United Express.  I get
in line, and a TSA agent asks me if I have any bags to check.  I
indicate I do and give it to him.  He takes it over to a station and
does his thing, then places it with other bags where the UAX agents can
get to it.  I check in, the agent gets my bag and tags it.  Head over to
the security checkpoint.  Again, just a few people in line ahead of me.
  Past security there are no services, just a restroom and a TV showing
CNN American Morning (regular CNN, not CNN Airport Network).  I spend
most of my time staring out into the dark.  Before my flight, American
Eagle and United Express flights to Los Angeles depart, and there is
also announcements for America West Express to Phoenix, though they are
in a different boarding area.

Eventually my flight begins boarding through gate 7.  Everyone is
invited to board at the same time.  MRY does not have United's boarding
pass scanners, instead the agent tears off our ticket stubs.  We walk
out into the ramp and board our CRJ.  Aside from the equally-sized
America West Express CRJ, it's the largest aircraft on the ramp (United
Express also uses EMB-120s to MRY, and American Eagle is currently using
only the Saab 340).  This aircraft has cloth seats.  Exactly on time at
0710, our aircraft pulls away from the gate and heads to runway 10R for

During taxi the flight attendant advises that this will be a 22 minute
flight.  Since personal electronic devices cannot be used for the first
or last 10 minutes of the flight, personal electronic devices cannot be
used at all.  There will also be no service on the flight.  The captain
also comes on and advises that our cruising altitude for the flight will
be 11,000 feet.

We take off, make a gradual U-turn and head out over Monterey Bay.  I'm
not sure exactly where we crossed back over land, but I'm guessing
somewhere west of Santa Cruz.  A few more turns and we are on the
approach to SFO.  We touch down at 0732 and taxi to the gate.  We park
at gate 78, exit onto the ramp and go up some stairs into the terminal.
  I have a distance of exactly 0 feet to my connecting flight, since it
will be departing from gate 78 as well.

The gate 78/79 area is at the end of the concourse, and used to be a
decent spot for photos.  However, the very end of the concourse is now
roped off so you can't get right up to the glass.

United Express operated by SkyWest Airlines
flight 6744
Scheduled: 0845-1000
Actual: 0851-1002
Crew base: Sacramento
seat 2A

Despite leaving from the same gate, the aircraft is different.  My
inbound aircraft is still there.  CRJs are small, so more than one fits
at the same gate.  Boarding passes through the scanner, down the steps
and up into the airplane.  The flight is oversold.  There had been
several announcements in the terminal but apparently they didn't get
enough volunteers so one person ends up having to get off as there's no
seat available.

We pull away from the gate and head to runway 1R for departure.  We do a
simultaneous departure with a United Express EMB-120 on 1L.  Despite the
Brasilia's slight lead, the CRJ quickly overtakes.  In flight service
consists of a bag of snack mix and choice of beverage.  Cruising
altitude for this flight is 31,000 feet.  I pass time reading SkyWest
Magazine and staring out the CRJ's too-small, too-low window.  On
account of window alone, the ERJ beats the CRJ in my opinion in the
50-seat category.

Weather in MFR is overcast.  The fog has lifted enough to be able to
land.  We descend through the clouds, emerging just a minute or two
before touchdown on runway 14.  We taxi to the ramp, parking at the
jetway.  I meet my grandparents and brother, and head over to baggage
claim.  My bag comes out, and off we go.

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Stuffed with Turkey, time to go home.  I'd been following the weather
reports for SFO and had come to one conclusion:  My brother's 1905
flight to Seattle on Horizon Air was going to leave before my 1755
flight to SFO.  I was right.

United Express operated by SkyWest Airlines
flight 6480
Scheduled: 1755-1925
Actual: 1957-2159
Crew base: Portland
seat 2C

I arrive at MFR, and the line isn't too bad.  Much better than two years
ago, when the line to check-in for the United 737 stretched past the
Horizon counter.  The earlier flight hasn't left yet.  The agent checks
my connection (leaving SFO at 2015), which is supposedly leaving SFO on
time.  They know there is no chance of making that with our delay out of
MFR, so the agent manages to find me a seat on the 2230 flight.  She
issues me boarding passes for both.  I tell her I appreciate her trying
to solve this now, rather than just getting me to SFO and leaving me to
work something out with the agents there.

There is plenty of time before either my or my brother's flight (which
is pretty much on time) will be boarding.  So we head over to the
restaurant.  Out the window we can see my aircraft.  Shortly after we
arrive, the pilots and flight attendant for my flight arrive and sit
down at the table next to us.  We have a plane.  We have a crew.  We
just can't land at rainy SFO.  We sit and eat and talk, leaving when my
brother's flight, a Dash 8Q-400 arrives.  My brother and I go through
security, sit down, and wait for his flight to board.  Eventually he
boards and his aircraft leaves.  His aircraft is N400QX, Horizon's first

Eventually, we are able to board.  Through gate 1.  This is the only
flight where the attempt is made to board by sections.  Absurd with a
Brasilia.  MFR used to be a United/United Shuttle station, so it has a
boarding pass scanner.  Out onto the ramp and into the Brasilia.
Leather seats.  We pull away from the gate at 1957, but hold short at
the end of runway 32.  Captain explains that we have been given a wheels
up time of 2010, so we wait there for a few minutes.  We finally start
rolling on our takeoff run at 2012.

It's turbulent for most of the flight, but the flight attendant manages
a drink service.  She also finds out where we're going, so she can give
the info to the pilots to try and ascertain the status of our connecting
flights once they make contact with SFO.  They eventually do, and we
find out the most of our flights are delayed.  The most concerned
passenger, from those I am able to hear, is one going to Sydney.  Can't
say I don't blame her.  I'm not too worried; worse case it's about a two
hour drive from SFO to MRY.

On approach to SFO I can see other aircraft's lights.  It's completely
overcast, so I don't have the slightest clue what we're doing on our
approach.  It's not until we're on the ground that I can get my bearings
and figure out that we had landed from the east on runway 19L.  We taxi
to the ramp and park at the United Express terminal.  It's a separate
terminal, and also labeled as gate 87A.

United Express operated by SkyWest Airlines
flight 6544
Scheduled: 2230-2307
Actual: 0025-0054
Crew base: Monterey
seat 4A

 From what I had been able to gather, my scheduled flight to MRY
departed right around the time that I arrived.  Compounding the weather,
there also seemed to be a mechanical issue with our aircraft.  In the
end, we were the very last flight to board out of the United Express
terminal, through door 2.  However, we did taxi away from the ramp
before the other flight.  Flight in the end was not full.  Took off from
runway 10R.  Weather was bad, still raining.  So a turbulent, but short
flight.  No service, in fact the flight attendant remained in her seat
for the whole flight for safety.  Touched down on runway 10R at 0054.
Taxi to the ramp, then walked through the drizzle to the terminal.

Baggage claim at MRY consists of a ramp agent driving up and placing
bags on a slanted metal shelf.  I waited for mine to be unloaded,
grabbed it, and went home.

Next up:  San Francisco to Honolulu on Delta, next week.

David Mueller / MRY

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