> In a message dated 12/10/2003 1:39:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, > damiross2@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: > > << > In a message dated 12/10/2003 12:59:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, > > damiross2@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: > > > > << The SQ A340-500 has been categorized by SQ has a special purpose > aircraft > > for specific markets. It will not be used elsewhere. Nor will the > executive > > economy class be used on other aircraft. Finally, the A340-500 does not > have a > > First Class section nor will it have on in the future because it takes up > too > > much room. >> > > > > See, we would give all hell if a US airline did something like that, but > > because it is SQ, they can do whatever they want. > ??????????????????????? > please explain > ??????????????????????? >> > > Well, they are not utilizing the planes to maximum time. It is just an > interesting note considering that the airlines that people here hold so dear are > the exact same examples of subsidies that people here scream and yell about. Once again you need to check your facts before you respond. What subsidies? Yes, the aircraft will not be maxed out passenger-wise but it is not being subsidised either. The fares are higher on the nonstop flights than the onestops. For example, the roundtrip fare on the nonstop is $1,155. On the one stop it is $855. That's a difference of of $300. David R