In a message dated 12/2/2003 7:09:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, exatc@xxxxxxxxxx writes: << I don't think you'd ever see the major facilities such as DFW Tower or TRACON, LAX, ORD, MSP, ATL etc. contracted out. It's been quite awhile since I've seen the facilities proposed to be contracted/privitazied out. I don't believe that any facility that provided radar approach/departure control services was on the list. The low activity stand alone VFR control towers were the ones I saw proposed. Of course the Union is going to fight privatization. They would stand to lose some membership presently at those facilities. Hey I don't blame them. Let me pose a question if the "new technology" as you called it were that bad they wouldn't be using it. Not knowing what you refer to as being "turned off" I can't comment. The "Common IFR Room", Area Control Facility, concept has been around a long time. And that's a whole 'nother subject. >> The thing about turning something off, it is a TRACON program that tells the best path for the airplanes. Problems is that it does not do that most of the time because it can't compensate for the human factor in the airplanes. All old level one towers (like RDD and OXR) are now contracted out. That happened a little over 10 years ago. That is one thing. It is actually not so bad as they are often staffed by controlers that are aged out of the FAA and are supplementing their pension. The problem is that they want to contract out all VFR and IFR towers that do not handle commercial traffic. That includes busy places like VNY, CMA and Merrill. It could possibly include towers like JNU that see fewer big jets, even though it is one of the most weather controlled airports in the world.