--=======34FF6250======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-36A33546; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, further news in this issue regarding the Italian civil aviation scene; ALPI EAGLES revoked the strike planned on Dec. 5th. 2003. CLUB AIR starting Dec. 12th. 2003 will inaugurate a new two times a week=20 flight from Verona to Tirana with BAE146/200. In the same period will=20 modify from charter to regular the weekly flight from Verona to Pristina,= =20 and it will be upgraded to two times a week. JET2 confirms to operate four times a week from Venice to Leeds with effe= ct=20 next summer season 2004. Thats all for today, Regards, Marco --=======34FF6250======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-36A33546 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/2003 --=======34FF6250=======--