--=======29086F3E======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4BF82FF; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, further news in this issue regarding the Italian civil aviation scene; AIR ONE estimates 5 million pax in 2003, 400 million Euro of turn around.= =20 These are the results reported from Carlo Toto, full oner of the airline,= =20 considering finished the start up period and he plans to join the stoke=20 exchange in next two coming years. GANDALF AIRLINES has reported on Nov. 28th. 2003 12,14 million Euro net=20 losses, 12,38 at end of October 2003. Dec 11th. 2003 will be the date of decision where the bankruptcy court in= =20 Parma decide about the future of this carrier. GERMANWINGS will resume flights to Bologna with effect summer timetable=20 from March 28th. 2004. JETSKY.COM is a new proposed dutch low cost operator with hub in Maastric= ht=20 and will serve in Italy Rome Ciampino with A320 wetleased from LTU or B73= 7=20 wetleased from Hola Airlines. Rotations to Italy are from Monday to Frida= y. MST 1205 CIA 1400 CIA 1500 MST 1705 ROYAL AIR MAROC have uploaded on major CRS's (Amadeus, Sigma-Galileo) the= =20 regular route Bologna-Casablanca with B737/500 starting from June 28th.=20 2003. This is the third stop in Italy after Rome and Milan. Monday and=20 Saturdays are the operations days. BLQ CAS AT959 1425 1550 CAS BLQ AT958 0830 1335 TACV - CABO VERDE AIRLINES will ops a charter rotation with B737/300 on=20 Bologna-Ilha do Sal with intermediate stop at Las Palmas on both legs.=20 Rotations wioll start on Dec. 28th. 2003. Flights are on behalf for=20 Incentive System and Cabo Verde Time tour operators. BLQ SID 1330 VR6350 SID BLQ 1230 VR6360 VOLARE CEO Vincenzo Soddu have reported the possibility to open to new=20 foreigners investors soon interested to purchase parts of Volare, maybe=20 from China or United Arab Emirates. Has leased an A330/200 to Air Bourbon in the past week for a rotation Mil= an=20 Mxp-Paris ORY (positioning), Paris ORY- Reunion - Paris ORY, Paris=20 ORY-Milan Mxp (positioning). Air Bourbon had the necessity to perform a=20 check on its only A340/200. That's all for today!!! Regards, Marco --=======29086F3E======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4BF82FF Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.545 / Virus Database: 339 - Release Date: 27/11/2003 --=======29086F3E=======--