--=======7E4760DB======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-147E7043; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all this is another updating regarding the italian civil scene: AIR ALPS with effect Nov. 3rd. code share with Alitalia the route=20 Bologna-Lamezia Terme operated five times a week with Do328/100. ALITALIA, new way for the future, today the board has presented the new=20 guidelines of the business plan for the period 2004-2006. New income are planned in conjunction with the reducing of the costs, thi= s=20 is the new targets for the airline core business. A constant 9% increase of the seats offered in the next year, a)=20 consolidation of the leadership on the Italian market, with particular=20 reference to the development of Malpensa and Fiumicino; b) recovery of=20 differentiates them of frequencies regarding the main ones competitor on=20 the markets originates from Italy; c) development of the pocketbook=20 frequencies/destinations on the elective markets An investments program for next three years (approximately 1.200 million=20 Euro) aimed at the completion of the important renewal program of the fle= et=20 started in 2001 and totally compatible with them puts into effect=20 availability financial institutions of Alitalia and the future cash flows= =20 generate from the operating management of the same one in the years of Pl= an. A diffused action of reliability on all the organizational entities that=20 concurs, through a substantial unitary cost reduction (CATK), a dynamics = of=20 the all in costs less that proportion they regarding dynamics of the=20 revenues, which indispensable requirement for the recovery of the busines= s=20 profit. The initiatives comprised in such action of competence of the Boa= rd=20 of directors will be from this Organ specifically approved Parallel, actions for reconsideration of the perimeter of make or buy=20 business to the aim rendering the structure of the costs are previewed al= so=20 more flexible. - the important attainment turns out to you=20 economic-financial in the temporal arc of Plan: a) margin of operating=20 profit (EBITDAR) between 15% and 17%; b) an operating result that, from t= he=20 loss previewed for the current exercise of approximately 410 million euro= ,=20 will reach to a substantial equilibrium in 2004 and will allow the full=20 economic equilibrium sin from 2005 and the maintenance of one balanced=20 capital structure. The main actions for the attainment of such object are= :=20 a) a drastic cost reduction trades them and of distribution, also through= =20 the development of channels of direct selling; b) one meaningful new=20 agreement of the supply conditions; c) a meaningful increase of the total= =20 productivity of Alitalia; d) the activation of measures directed to the=20 recovery of efficiency and the improvement of the flexibility through=20 agreements of outsourcing with operating head physicians specializes (suc= h=20 operation to you will be involved approximately 1.200 units); e) the sear= ch=20 of adapts participations to you in order to manage approximately 1.500=20 resources up to the necessities that will not regard flight and earth the= =20 operating front-linen areas; f) one determined action of cost reduction o= f=20 system in the comparisons of the present others player in the chain of=20 production of the aerial transport. The General executive manager of=20 Alitalia, Francisco Mengozzi, after to have shortly commented on the=20 drastic structural changes that are interesting the industry of the aeria= l=20 transport and on the impacts denied to you that such context will have on= =20 the result of year-end of the Company, it has declared: "Alitalia, to goe= s=20 them of this intense exercise of planning and reorganization, has collect= ed=20 the energies and the determination in order to exit the crisis and to pla= y=20 an important role to international level that they will be able to allow = to=20 participate already today to full load in the fundamental process of=20 integration between carriers in action". BELAVIA will introduce soon the B737/500 from Minsk to Rome. GANDALF AIRLINES has newly reduced the timetable, now in operations are t= he=20 routes Brescia-Rome FCO and three route from Bergamo to Stuttgart, Paris.= =20 Dec. 2nd. 2003 is the date where the airline will forced to suspend=20 operation in case no further new interest purchaseing action will promote= d=20 from new investors. The next board ,eeting is planned for this coming Nov= .=20 25th. 2003. MINERVA AIRLINES is report to re-start regular flight with effect Nov. 3r= d.=20 2003. That's all for today, Marco --=======7E4760DB======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-147E7043 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.528 / Virus Database: 324 - Release Date: 17/10/2003 --=======7E4760DB=======--