--Boundary_(ID_gek1fNweTQcxEDQ7N/kjsQ) Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT > what is SCT in the first place? > Southern California terminal? where is that terminal? I wasn't sure either, but a Google search got it: http://www.socaltracon.com/WhatIsSCT.php What is SoCal TRACON? Southern California TRACON, or SoCal TRACON (SCT) is the busiest approach control in the world, SCT provides radar air traffic approach control services to all arriving and departing aircraft for most airports in southern California. Airports receiving SCT services include Burbank Airport, John Wayne Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Long Beach Airport, March AFB, Miramar MCAS, North Island NAS, Ontario Airport, San Diego International Airport, Van Nuys Airport and many more airports that service general aviation. SCT's airspace is approximately 17,000 square miles and covers an area from 20 miles north of Burbank to the US/Mexican border and from San Bernardino to Santa Catalina Island. SoCal TRACON was originally 5 separate FAA TRACON's or Terminal RADAR Approach Control facilities. We were, Burbank Approach, Coast Approach, Ontario Approach, Los Angeles Approach, and San Diego Approach. Over a multi-year period all these facilities were merged into the one facility in San Diego. --Boundary_(ID_gek1fNweTQcxEDQ7N/kjsQ) Content-type: text/enriched; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT <excerpt>what is SCT in the first place? Southern California terminal? where is that terminal? </excerpt> I wasn't sure either, but a Google search got it: http://www.socaltracon.com/WhatIsSCT.php <bold><fontfamily><param>Verdana</param>What is SoCal TRACON? </fontfamily></bold><fontfamily><param>Verdana</param>Southern California TRACON, or SoCal TRACON (SCT) is the busiest approach control in the world, SCT provides radar air traffic approach control services to all arriving and departing aircraft for most airports in southern California. Airports receiving SCT services include Burbank Airport, John Wayne Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, Long Beach Airport, March AFB, Miramar MCAS, North Island NAS, Ontario Airport, San Diego International Airport, Van Nuys Airport and many more airports that service general aviation. SCT's airspace is approximately 17,000 square miles and covers an area from 20 miles north of Burbank to the US/Mexican border and from San Bernardino to Santa Catalina Island. </fontfamily><fontfamily><param>Arial</param> </fontfamily><fontfamily><param>Verdana</param>SoCal TRACON was originally 5 separate FAA TRACON's or Terminal RADAR Approach Control facilities. We were, Burbank Approach, Coast Approach, Ontario Approach, Los Angeles Approach, and San Diego Approach. Over a multi-year period all these facilities were merged into the one facility in San Diego. </fontfamily><fontfamily><param>Arial</param> </fontfamily> --Boundary_(ID_gek1fNweTQcxEDQ7N/kjsQ)--