--=======2631A52======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-9FA18C4; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all this is another updating regarding the italian civil scene: CLUB AIR/TAROM, increase with effect Oct. 26th. 2003 from three to four=20 weekly the rotations on Bologna-Cluj-Bucuresti with B737/300. Club Air will transfer a based Verona BAe146/200 from Verona to Treviso: ANCONA-TIMISOARA-BUCAREST 6P442 tu 11.00 Boeing 737 ANCONA-TIMISOARA-BUCAREST 6P442 sa 15.00 Boeing 737 BARI-TIMISOARA-BUCAREST 6P473 th-su 14.20 Boeing 737 BOLOGNA-CLUJ-BUCAREST 6P452 mo-fr 14.40 Boeing 737 BOLOGNA-CLUJ- BUCAREST 6P452 we 11.00 Boeing 737 BOLOGNA-CLUJ-BUCAREST 6P452 su 12.00 Boeing 737 TREVISO-TIMISOARA-BACAU 6P426 TU 7:40 BAE 146 change a/c at TSR TREVISO-TIMISOARA-BUCAREST 6P426 mo/fr 7:40 BAE 146 TREVISO-TIMISOARA-BUCAREST 6P427 TU 7.40 BAE 146 TREVISO-VERONA-BUCAREST 6P400 sa 7.20 BAE/Boeing TREVISO- TIMISOARA-ORADEA 6P426 mo 7.40 BAE 146 VERONA-TIMISOARA-BACAU 6P462 TU 8.00 BAE146 VERONA-BACAU-TIMISOARA 6P462 FR 13.50 BAE146 VERONA-BUCAREST-CLUJ 6P451 MO-FR 7.50 Boeing 737 VERONA-TIMISOARA-BUCAREST 6P462 tu 8.00 BAE 146 change a/c at Timisoara VERONA-BUCAREST-CLUJ 6P432 we 17.40 Boeing 737 VERONA-BUCAREST-TIMISOARA 6P441sa 8.30 Boeing 737 VERONA-BUCAREST-TIMISOARA 6P474 su 8.00 BAE 146 VERONA VERONA-TIMISOARA-ORADEA 6P434 MO-FR 8.00 BAE146 VERONA-ORADEA-TIMISOARA 6P437 FR 8.00 BAE146VERONA VOLAREWEB discontinue due to a operational restructure of the carrier=20 network the route London Luton-Rimini from Nov. 2nd. 2003 to the first da= ys=20 of December. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======2631A52======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-9FA18C4 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.528 / Virus Database: 324 - Release Date: 16/10/2003 --=======2631A52=======--