The joys of 72 column text breaks. (redone, with short-cutted URLs) ---- Here's a few shots of YVR: (Courtesy City of Richmond) (Anyone able to dig up similar shots of other major airports? Atlanta? Heathrow? Seattle? O'Hare) - This is looking from where the south terminal is now across to where the the main terminal is today. - [1937] The picture is oriented the same as above. The current modern terminal would be smack dab in the middle of this picture. - [1937] United Airlines 247D parked in front of the terminal. The island beyond is Lulu island, and now home to 170,000 people. - [1940] View looking north-west over Sea Island (airport island.) Today the airport fills the entire island. As far as an airport location goes, there's nothing like it in the world. Perfectly flat, 8 miles to downtown Vancouver, and just big enough to handle big planes on big runways. Predictable winds (maybe with a touch of fog) and of course YVR's beautiful climate. - [1960] This is looking north and you can see the final location of 8R/26L. This is a politically sensitive photo as you can see the (new) main terminal in the top left (opened about the same time), and the CP hanger at the top/top-right. Even before this time, there was always plans for a parallel runway. 35 years later when they got around to building the runway, there were howls of protest. You can clearly see the planned location for the runway, and the federal government owned most of the land you see. - [1976] The main terminal building with the orange aluminum tubes of CP gleaming in the sun. - [1976] Airport looking to the north-west. Downtown Richmond (which looks more like Hong Kong today) is in the foreground, with downtown Vancouver in the top right. - [1982] Another great overview shot looking west/south-west - [1998] The 'old' south terminal area, looking not much different than it did a few decades ago. And the little brown building right by the (c) is an 'establishment' known as "The Flying Beaver". The scenery is spectacular (it's Vancouver right?) And guys, the pub is named after the deHavilland plane (which are sitting in the water) not anything else. - [1999] You can see the massive new international and trans-border terminal, and the completed north runway. Matthew