<< In a message dated 8/12/2003 3:33:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, filmscape@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes: << No doubt about it...this really gonna impact B6's LGB ops. If it's successful look for HP to load up on frequencies...and how long can B6 be the only guy out there with Sat-TV? HP and others are probably waiting for the 'next' (aka cheaper) generation of Sat-TV to make itself available...and then everyone will offer it. I'm sure the gurus at B6 are already drawing up a battle plan...which ultimately may even force them to do the unthinkable.....as much as they've trashed LAX...they may have to set up shop at T-3. >> You think they will force AA out like the did to UA at T6 at JFK? Considering B6 owns the patents to be best Sat-TV system out there and F7 was able to buy it, so it cannot be too expensive. I think B6 will continue to have success at LGB, but they will probably have to use LAX at some point. I don't really see why they wouldn't, WN has made lots of money at LAX. I would love to see Neelman at a city council meeting in my parent's town, Camarillo, CA, trying to get them to turn CMA into a low-cost, LAX alternative