Douglas, If hassling people going about perfectly normal activities such as = standing with the kids watching the planes from a car park by decending on them = with loads of Police is reasonable then that's fine by me. It just means that that many tourists who visit the US normally will find other places to = go. Terminal security I don't have a problem with generally but elsewhere it = has gone stupid.=20 This is being reported at many US locations and not just at large international airports. A dose of common sense and communication is required. Since when have airport security staff and Police had the = right to invent laws to suit at the time knowing that most people wont have the = time and money to test it in court? Europe has many Iraqi refugees who come to Police notice, any of whom = could indeed be terrorists but they are dealt with as innocent people until evidence proves to the contrary. I don't wish to get into spitting competitions but I didn't make the original comment about the Brits. -----Original Message----- From: The Airline List [mailto:AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Douglas Schnell Sent: 07 August 2003 06:00 To: AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Note to Logan Airport Screwballs Okay, Mr. Cleaver, what is unreasonable about current security =3D = procedures in the US? Say, for example, those used in Boston today, 8/6? -----Original Message----- From: The Airline List [mailto:AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of = =3D Kevin Cleaver Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 11:24 PM To: AIRLINE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Note to Logan Airport Screwballs "I swear those damn British must have left some sleeper cells back in = =3D the 1780s." Don't look over here for this one!! The American people elected Attila = =3D the Bush now they have to live with it. Reminds me of the reds under the bed paranoia of yesteryear. Perhaps the TSA need to look to the rest of the World who can combine security with reasonable conditions for the users