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Hi to all,
a further updating on italian civil scene:

EASY ISLANDS, Francesco Musto, 57 years of age is the new marketing manager.

GANDALF AIRLINES, updating the previous infos contained in the past message
is also interested to double the flight from Pisa to Bari if the demand
will justify this increase of frequencies. The new destinations of Cagliari
and Palermo could be added in a month. Talks are inc ourse with Pisa
airport handling company S.A.T. to reduce the debts exposition that carrier
have with their.

HAPAG LLOYD EXPRESS with effect Oct. 26th. 2003 will add a new base in
Stuttgart and to Italy from this new airport will add the daily rotations
to Milan Orio and Rome. With effect Dec. 6th. 2003 will add a daily flight
from Stuttgart to Pisa and Venice again with B737/700.
Will reduce with effect Oct. 26th. 2003 from two flight a day to daily on
the route Venice-Koln. Naples-Hannover is reduced from 6 flgiht a week to
3. From 7 to 3 weekly on Olbia-Koln.

That's all for today,

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