Jim, if you pick up the current issue of Airliners, my photo of Aerosvit 767-300 in the news section is pure digital. I challenge anyone to be able to tell if thats k64, digital, or whatever else- you just cant tell unless I tell you what it is. Joe Jim Fulton <jim.fulton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: RW Simpson wrote: >Have ya checked out the pictorial on B727s in the latest issue of Airliner's >Mag? Great stories and even greater photos. You mean the mag that calls itself The World's Airline Magazine, that's really "America's Airline Magazine, and if you don't send us K64 only and try any of that digital crap, we won't use it." Been some nice pics in it, though. Jim "The Airbus Defender" Joe Pries Commercial Aviation Photography I recently discovered an amazing website WWW.AUCTIONTRANSPORTATION.COM --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!