--=======6D1B7849======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-70656947; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi to all, this is another updating regarding our civil aviation scene: ALITALIA, Greg Brenneman is officially the new consultant of the italian=20 flag airline to re-launch the airline in the future and to increase the=20 presence of the carrier in the worldwide markets. Trade Unions has not=20 approved the decision to recruit this new manager. ALITALIA CARGO, today expands its cargo network to India with its fourth=20 destination. After Mumbay served two times a week, Delhi two times a week=20 and Madras once a week, the new weekly flight is to Calcutta operated with= =20 a 100 tons payload B747 all freighter. CYPRUS AIRWAYS will introduce these extra flights on this summer peak=20 season to Italy: LCA-MXP every tuesdays from July 29th. to Sept. 2nd. LCA-FCO every monday from July 21st. to Aug. 25th. LUFTHANSA Chief Financial Officer Ludwing Kley speaking regarding the=20 shares public offer has confirmed the intention to not re-launch about the= =20 price offered pour each share due to the slowly performance registered for= =20 the purchasing of the shares in the stoke exchange market. Lufthansa=20 intends to increase the presence in Air Dolomiti until 100% and to retire= =20 the tile from the Milan stoke exchange. With Air One being only a commercil= =20 alliance and in future uisn't planned at this time any further change of=20 policy. Surely is interesting to develop synergys to increase the presence= =20 on the italian market thanks to the perfect load factor registered in the=20 italian market from Air Dolomiti and Air One with its 28 B737's. LIVINGSTON ENERGY FLIGHT has approved its first half year financial balance= =20 with interesting results, 69 million of Euro si the invoice and the=20 Ebitda even to 2,2% and Ebit to 1,5%. Third A321's will join the fleet in= =20 July. Differently from the firts couple of 321=ECs this new aircraft will be= =20 named Boavista and fitted in full economy 220 seats, seats pitch 28",=20 Leasing contract was signed with S.A.L.E. of Singapore and in July, August,= =20 September part of the flying hours allotments has been sold to Air One to=20 increase the capacity to Sardinia. That's all for today, Cheers, Marco --=======6D1B7849======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-70656947 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.490 / Virus Database: 289 - Release Date: 16/06/2003 --=======6D1B7849=======--