Continental Airlines says May unit revenue rose = = = = Monday June 2, 5:57 PM EDT = CHICAGO, June 2 (Reuters) - Continental Airlines (CAL) on Monday said sys= temwide unit revenue was 1 percent to 3 percent higher in May from a year= earlier. Unit revenue, measured in revenue per available seat miles (RASM), is a k= ey industry figure that shows how much money the airline pulls in per uni= t. In April, unit revenue slipped 1.1 percent compared with the previous yea= r, the company said. Houston-based Continental, the No. 5. U.S. air carrier, also said its sys= temwide load factor, or the percentage of seats filled on its planes, was= 75.9 percent in May, up 2.4 points from a year earlier. = =A92003 Reuters Limited. = Roger EWROPS