Angry Airline News....but true !

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The buccaneers who run the nation's Big Six
carriers are the American equivalent of the street mobs who looted the
Baghdad Museum of its cultural treasures.

There's no difference between Delta chief executive Leo Mullin, who paid
himself $100,000 in cash bonuses for every $100 million the carrier lost
last year, and a street thug who stole a priceless Sumarian pot from the
Baghdad Museum. United chief executive Glenn Tilton, who lived in an
$18,000-a-month condo on the company tab while the airline was
hemorrhaging $20 million a day during the winter, is no less
reprehensible than the looter who carried Babylonian treasures out of
the broken front doors of the Baghdad Museum.
Mullin, Tilton, Continental bully-in-chief Gordon Bethune, the current
roster of fools who run Northwest and US Airways and even American
chairman Don Carty, who these days looks more like a lost soul than a
master corporate schemer, are all the same. They dress better than
Baghdad street looters, but their mentality is the same. They are

The men who are running the Big Six into the corporate grave form a
repugnant Axis of Excess. Nothing matters to them except lining their
pockets and their retirement portfolios. The Axis of Excess has no sense
of personal shame, no sense of fiduciary responsibility and absolutely
no agenda except cashing out.
In case your attention has been diverted by the war in Iraq or the
spreading SARS epidemic, let me give you a brief carrier-by-carrier
recap of what has been learned as the Big Six have filed their proxy
statements, 10-Ks, annual reports and other required Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) documents.

AMERICAN AIRLINES American's parent, AMR, lost $3.5 billion last year
and yesterday it reported a $1 billion first-quarter loss. After weeks
of negotiations, promises that executives would share in sacrifices and
threats of a bankruptcy filing, the airline secured $1.8 billion in
annual concessions from pilots, mechanics and flight attendants. Then
the agreements imploded when American admitted in delayed SEC filings
that it had shielded some of the pensions of the airline's top 45
executives from the effects of a bankruptcy filing. The top six
executives were also offered "retention bonuses" of nearly twice their
base pay to stay with the airline. Earlier this week, Carty cancelled
the retention-bonus plan and apologized for misleading the unions, but
he didn't repeal the trust that protects the executive pensions nor did
he apologize for allowing the executive booty in the first place.
Ironically, American has traditionally paid its top executives less than
most other airlines and the newly disclosed perks pale in comparison to
the lush programs offered to top officials of the other carriers.

CONTINENTAL AIRLINES After rashly promising that Continental would be in
the black by last year's second quarter, the airline reported losses in
excess of $450 million in 2002. Last week it reported a first-quarter
loss of $221 million, sharply higher than last year's first-quarter loss
of $166 million. The airline now admits there is no chance for profit
this year or 2004, either. How has Continental management reacted to the
huge--and, to them, unexpected--losses? Well, Bethune gave himself a pay
package of about $7.6 million last year, more than 82 percent above his
2001 compensation. Along with stock options and other perks, Bethune's
2002 compensation was $11.9 million. The airline's other top executives
were proportionately rewarded.

DELTA AIR LINES I detailed the lavish awards made to Delta's top five
executives in a column posted last month. But just to recap: The carrier
has lost $2.5 billion in the last two fiscal years, including $1.3
billion last year, when Mullin paid himself a $1.4 million cash bonus.
The excesses at Delta led Congress to write some minimal rules about
executive payouts into its latest airline bailout package, but Mullin
and crew seem blind to the rebuke. After taking a cosmetic pay cut last
month, Mullin defended the airline's egregious pay packets and
"retention" bonuses, claiming he needed to keep the executive team
together. In other words, an airline that lost $466 million in this
year's first quarter--or the equivalent of more than $5 million a
day--just can't afford to lose the crack executives who are responsible
for the carrier's alarming cash burn.

NORTHWEST AIRLINES Northwest was long ago looted by the departed Al
Cheechi and by current chairman Gary Wilson. During the 1990s, they
funneled tens of millions annually out of Northwest to their private
companies, claiming the payments were personal management fees. New
management is no less abusive, however. The carrier lost $798 million
last year, yet chief executive Richard Anderson paid himself a cash
bonus of 50 percent of his annual salary of $500,000. He also received a
retention bonus of stock worth almost $2 million more. Northwest also
paid out millions in retention bonuses to dozens of other top managers.
This week, a Northwest filing with the SEC revealed that former
Northwest chief financial officer Mickey Foret has been hired as a
>>consultant. Foret was paid an up-front fee of $240,000 and he draws a
monthly stipend of $80,000 through December, 2004. By the way, last week
Northwest reported a first-quarter loss of $396 million, more than
double last year's first-quarter loss of $171 million. It is also
negotiating with its labor unions and rank-and-file workers, demanding
almost $1 billion a year in concessions.

UNITED AIRLINES United Airlines paid new chief executive Glenn Tilton
nearly $12 million to join the sinking ship last fall. He promptly
ensconced himself in an $18,000-a-month condo on the company expense
account. Since his arrival, the airline has filed for bankruptcy and
reported a 2002 loss of more than $3 billion. His recovery plan for the
carrier has been ridiculed by the government agency that administered
the 2001 loan-guarantee program, United's bankruptcy-court judge and
virtually any analyst that has examined it. He is also paying the
McKinsey consulting firm a monthly fee of about $1 million to help him
develop a carrier-within-a-carrier even though United has already failed
with an earlier attempt to create a low-fare unit. Meanwhile, United
employees, who once owned 55 percent of the carrier in exchange for
massive wage and benefit concessions granted in the 1990s, have lost all
their equity. They have also been forced to accept billions more in
concessions as United used the shield of bankruptcy court to break or
renegotiate their contracts. Of course, all this comes against the
backdrop of the tens of millions former United boss Steve Wolf paid
himself while he ran the company.
US AIRWAYS US Airways was driven into bankruptcy by the aforementioned
Wolf and his team of cronies. They paid themselves hundreds of millions
of dollars during their disastrous six-year regime. They subsequently
retired, but not before the airline paid out $35 million in lump-sum
retirement benefits to Wolf, former chief executive Rakesh Gangwal and
Larry Nagin, the airline's former top legal official. After declaring
bankruptcy, the airline terminated its pilot's pension fund. Retired US
Airways pilots now face pension cuts in the neighborhood of 70 percent.
Meanwhile, the new management team continues to reward itself lavishly.
The current chief executive, David Siegel, received 2002 compensation of
$533,000 in salary, a cash bonus of $750,000 and more than $160,000 in
other compensation. Other notable figures in the airline's SEC filings:
US Airways paid Siegel $68,000 in moving expenses last year. The new
chief financial officer, Neil Cohen, received $40,640 in moving
expenses. That's about the same amount a senior flight attendant at US
Airways now earns.

One final note. Remember that 2001 taxpayer-funded airline bailout of
$4.5 billion? Hawaiian Airlines received about $30 million of it, but
that didn't help the carrier avoid a bankruptcy filing last month.
Boeing, which is one of Hawaiian's biggest creditors, wants the
carrier's management removed. Boeing claims Hawaiian's management paid
out more than $25 million via a tender offer last year as a "reward" to
shareholders. In a filing with the bankruptcy court, Boeing adds that
members of Hawaiian's management and their affiliates received more than
69 percent of the $25 million tender. In other words, Boeing believes
Hawaiian's management personally pocketed more than half of the $30
million in taxpayer grants

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