Thank you for sharing the wire he caught with us. Where did you read about the specific wire?? Also for a bit of trivia... Wires (Cross Deck Pendants) are set up from aft, forward. So the rear most CDP is the 1 wire followed by the 2 wire followed by the 3 wire followed by the 5 wire followed by the 4 wire. Yes, the 5 wire is in fact the barricade. I have personally witnessed a Barricade trap. A-6 Intruder "Sunday Punchers" CVW-17 (AA) while onboard the USS Enterprise (CVN-65). I was an ABE3 which means that I worked on the Catapults and Arresting Gear while onboard my fine Ship. Take Care folks, have a nice weekend. PS. I dont care what we talk about through this medium. We can even talk about presidents; but please, please always be respectful of others. "If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all." Criticizing is OK but not name calling. The List's biggest Fan, JC