Could have found a cheap fare ,? sure , drive 2 hrs to Phoenix and pay 50-100$ parking or fly to Manchester NH on Southwest etc but didnt fit at all. What I really meant was the price ratio Today major carriers charge 300$ apex / 900$ walkup and 3000$ first/business class Something is wrong with this priceing dont you think? If First class prices were 200% of Y class , people like me would buy it. This would save the aal/ual/usair etcs of the business. If the business travelers have stopped paying big bucks ...maybe they should rethink the priceing of the product. I f ./Business class was affordable then they could sell it iso giveing it away to the FF guys who would have no where to go if everyone did it. With all the Y class RJ's in service and more comming I think this may be the airlines salvation.