Mesa Air Group puts their new CRJ-900 in service this Sunday for America West Express, thus diminishing the likelihood that AmWest will ever fly the A318. This super stretched Bombardier aircraft accomodates 90 pax in 2+2 seating, putting it in close range of the pax capacity of the A318 (and Baha's beloved B717). Mesa Air will spare Cactus fliers the agony of sardine seating by configuring for 6 first class and 74 steerage. Cruising speed: 545mph Range: 2000 nm (hmmmm) and Headroom: 6' 2" (ouch!) Here's the best part - only $23m! The new CRJ-900 will serve LAX, LGB, ELP from PHX. MAG has 25 on order with approximately half being delivered this year. And because "Scope" is known as a mouthwash instead of a labor issue at Cactus, these new birds will be flown inexpensively. RT Simpson Phoenix